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According to the Application of Cast and Strapping CPT guidelines, what is reported when an orthopedic provider performs initial fracture care treatment for a closed scaphoid fracture of the wrist, applies a short arm cast, and the patient will be returning for subsequent fracture care?
Answer: D
For initial fracture care of a closed scaphoid fracture, code 25622 is used, which includes treatment and initial casting. The application of the cast is part of the fracture care and is not reported separately. CPT guidelines specify that casting or strapping performed as part of the fracture care is included in the fracture care code.References: AMA's CPT Professional Edition (current year), Surgery section, Musculoskeletal System.
In rhinoplasty:
Answer: A
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to reconstruct or reshape the nose. It can be done for cosmetic reasons or to improve breathing function. The term "rhino" refers to the nose, and "plasty" refers to the surgical molding or forming of a part of the body.References: AMA's CPT Professional Edition, medical dictionaries
Which statement is TRUE for an Excludes2 note that is under a code in the Tabular List for ICD-10-CM?
Answer: A
In ICD-10-CM coding, an Excludes2 note under a code indicates that the condition listed in the note is not included in the definition of the code, but it does not necessarily mean they cannot coexist. This type of note means that while the conditions are distinct, it may be appropriate to report both codes if a patient has both conditions at the same time.
A: is incorrect because Excludes1, not Excludes2, indicates that certain codes should not be reported together.
C: is a description of an Excludes1 note, which implies that the two conditions should not be coded together because they cannot occur simultaneously.
D: is also a description of an Excludes1 note, which serves as a "NOT CODED HERE!" directive.
Therefore, the correct answer is B. It is acceptable to report both the code and the excluded code together, when applicable.
A 49-year-old patient arrives with hearing loss in his left ear. Impedance testing via tympanometry is performed.
What CPT code is reported?
Answer: D
A 43-year-old female with a history of joint pain and fatigue presents to the office with swollen salivary glands. Patient agrees to have a labial gland biopsy performed in office. Patient is numbed with a local anesthetic. Then an incision is made on the lower labial mucosa and tissue samples from the salivary gland are removed with tweezers. The incision is sutured. Pathology report findings are consistent with Sjogren's syndrome.
What CPTcode is reported?
Answer: C
1. Procedure and CPTCode Selection:
The scenario describes a labial gland biopsy of the salivary gland, performed in the office with a local anesthetic. The provider made an incision in the lower labial mucosa and took tissue samples from the salivary gland for biopsy.
Code 42400 is the correct CPTcode for a biopsy of a salivary gland. This code is specific to a biopsy without a more extensive excision or major surgery, aligning perfectly with the scenario of sampling salivary gland tissue.
2. Ruling Out Other Options:
Code 42408 is for the excision of a deep lobe of a parotid gland, which is a more extensive procedure than a simple biopsy and does not apply to this case.
Code 42405 is for the removal of an entire submandibular gland, which is a full excision and not applicable here.
Code 42450 is used for the removal of a sublingual gland, not for a biopsy of the labial salivary gland.
3. AAPC and CPTCoding Guidelines:
AAPC and CPTguidelines direct coders to use 42400 for minor biopsies of salivary gland tissue, particularly when only tissue samples are taken for diagnostic purposes, as described in this case.
Based on CPTcoding guidelines, the correct answer is C. 42400.
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